The invitation work is just another gimmick to keep the cult members busy. Nothing else. The idiot gb know it doesn't result in any new members.
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Congregation memorial stats
by nowwhat? in2 congregations met together attendance 355 which is close to exact number of combined publishers.
only saw a couple of new faces.
so it looks like once again the invitation work was a complete failure and relatives of jw's couldn't be talked into coming anymore!.
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If you're wanting to meet other exjws I recommend the Meetup app. You can join the Pacific Northwest Area Exjw group which meets up about once a month.
Are you serious
I'm in Wenatchee. Go to Seattle once in awhile.
"No more than 40 years"
by dynamiterose77 inin another corner of the internet someone stated that witnesses are proclaiming that this system will be no more than 40 years now... that "gog of magog" will start the great tribulation.
can anyone confirm this latest "prediction"?.
Are you serious
Isn't that what they were saying in the late 1800s?
2019 Elders Manual and a Whole Lot More!
by Atlantis insingle zipped folder
2019-02-02-musical preludes
s-21-e congregation's publisher record (2018-12).pdf
Are you serious
Wow thank you! Even the new elders manual?!
3 BOE's Just Arrived!
by Atlantis in2019 literature requests inventory guidelines. 2019-assignment to view the special talk 2019-announcements and reminders!
Are you serious
It's very likely they eliminated the magazine servant position due to a lack of ministerial servants. -
Printed vs Produced
by Rattigan350 inin the january 1, 2015 watchtower it says printing each issue 52,946,000 in 228 languages semimonthly.
in that 2016 #1 issue watchtower it says produced each issue 58,987,000 in 254 languages monthly.
what is the difference between printed and produced?.
Are you serious
Whatever it means, what a waste! Seriously how many people actually read these? Even when I was in I'd think to myself "do that many people really read the magazines?"
Is is true one of the new residence buildings at Warwick was never used and lays empty?
by nowwhat? inif true what a waste of dedicated funds that could have been used to build 1000's of k.h's in africa.
Are you serious
That very well could be true. There's not enough bethelites to fill it up with all the cutbacks. What a waste as are so many other things they do.
2018 Service Year Report - Released on
by Drearyweather in2018 service year report of jehovah’s witnesses worldwide.
see details of the global preaching work of jehovah’s witnesses from september 2017 to august 2018..
average publishers preaching each month: 8,360,594 (2017 - 8,248,982).
Are you serious
SBF I believe this is what you were looking for.
Interesting that the USA is at 0% and Mexico which used to grow by leaps and bounds is at 1%.
Someone had been attempting to destroy Kingdom Halls in Thurston county washington state.
by Crazyguy inand has finally succeeded in burning one to the ground.
Are you serious
But I believe the insurance company is Watchtower itself so they definitely will have the congregation help with money